Though I didn't take too many voyeuristic photos of people, there were a few shots that really stood out to me as favorites
Monks are seen everywhere, ranging in age from 7 to 70. I especially liked this picture I took from the backseat of a car as we were zipping along the highway.
Though the streets are crammed with cars and scooters, I still occasionally found some old-schoolers relying on manpower. Clearly, this one had already survived a busy day.
Necessity is the mother of invention. Thai's look for many ways to carry as many people with one motor scooter as possible. I once saw a family of four squeezed on one scooter. I thought this was an ingenious, albeit hazardous, way of transporting happy preschoolers.
These little girls were dressed to the Nine's. They were perfoming a series of traditional dances at the very first Temple I visited. I was struck with just how poised and grown up these little girls, roughly aged 7 - 9 appeared!
As I roamed the countryside on my motor bike, I came across a make shift volleyball court in the middle of one of the most impoverished tribal communities I'd seen. What I saw these boys doing was AMAZING. They were playing volleyball using soccer hands allowed.
For the most part, Thailand is dominated by "homeless" street dogs. The well cared for "pets" are distinguished, however, as they're dressed in their Sunday best
This little fella was waiting his turn for a ride on a bike that was being fixed. I just loved his concentration
Money was running low so I tried out a few ways to generate some pocket change..... I'll keep my day job
The volleyball-like game is called Takraw. It's very popular. We ran into a game of it near Bangkok. A travelling companion joined the game. He was quite good. The Thai players welcomed him when he joined in and were all smiles when the game was over. I was intimidated just watching!